It is important to recognize the signs of a damaged sewer system so that you can take immediate action and contact an experienced service technician.

Hidden leaks not only have the potential to run up your water bill and cause significant property damage; they can also lead to dangerous health problems. For all these reasons, it’s good to identify and repair leaks as quickly as possible, especially when it comes to sewer pipes.

Flooded or Foul-Smelling Yard

A yard that’s flooded can be a sign of a broken sewer pipe. Sewer lines can be buried anywhere between a couple of feet to six feet below the ground, with colder climates calling for deeper pipes. For sewer lines close to the surface, a broken pipe can quickly begin to pool water which seeps through the grass and becomes visible on the surface. You may be able to smell the sewage before it surfaces, as sewage gas can seep through your yard’s soil.

Slow Drains

While some blockages are caused by a pipe leading directly from a faucet or shower, you can detect a blockage in the main sewage line if multiple draining areas in the home are clogging. Toilets can warn of severe blockages if strange gurgling sounds occur when air gets pushed back up the line.

Water Damage in the Home

Water damage can occur if a drain line leaks or breaks in the home. One of the first signs is mold spreading on the floors or walls. This could point to a broken sewer line within the home, in which case you should get professional help immediately.

Insect and Rodent Infestation

On that note, an unusual increase in insect and rodent activity can be a sign that you have a broken sewer line. Rodents make their homes in sewers and can squeeze through the smallest cracks to find their way into your home. The same can be said for insects that can wriggle through a cracked drain pipe and breed in the stagnant water, allowing them to multiply rapidly. Both rodents and insects can cause health issues and need to be dealt with along with the sewer line breakage itself.

Broken Slabs and Wall Cracks

Buildings will often develop cracks in the concrete slab and supporting walls as they settle and the ground shifts beneath them. However, if your home is developing new cracks it may be because you have a broken sewer line that is washing away the soil supporting the foundation. If the crack is caused by a leak, the situation is unlikely to improve over time. More water will continue to wash away the surrounding soil until the foundation can no longer support the weight of the structure above. In a worst-case scenario, the house itself may collapse. A thorough inspection can determine if you have a sewer line breakage or another issue that is causing your home or business to develop cracks.

What do I do if I see any of these signs?

Call Behm Enterprises!  815-344-0197


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